Kamis, 09 April 2009

Raindumb Stuff..... @_@

well... i got nuthin to do.. so i decided to type some random sh*t (sorry...) in here..... lesse.... oh yeah.. my plan to go to poins today was canceled... because i was too lazy to take a bath... so i decided to go there tomorrow.. (but my sis said we can't... because tomorrow is good friday... wait... it's called good friday right???). well i'll go there eventually... cus this is the first time i actually need to buy sumthin other than pc games there... (well actually i'm still goin to buy a game, but i'm also plannin to buy sumhtin else...) and that is a headset for my computah (to play l4d) and maybe a new mouse (a gaming one if it's possible) and (if it's really neccesary) a keyboard (a gaming one too if possible) and of course an original Left 4 Dead DvD and maybe a Lineage2 installer..... okaaay.... what else.... oh yeah... i started playin MMORPG again (it's lineage2 in case ur wonderin)... i missed those old times of RF fun.. (back when the cheaters isn't as crazy as today) currently aim pleyin L2 and of course L4D.. u know... i'd be still playin l4d right now if it wasn't for those jerks from Iklab Indonesia... (yeah it's actually eClub, but they're too stoopid to spell it right). i really miss playin l4d on multiplayer... oh yeah.... sims 3 is about too be released on june 2nd worldwide... i'm also plannin to buy the original DVD, i saw the trailer a month ago and it was COOL!!! just can't wait for it.... well what else.... oh yeah... i watched "The Bucket List" on hbo yesterday, i really like the story.... it's a touching film for those who's intrigued by death.... it's a really good movie..... well... i'm all out of randem sh*t (sorry...) to tell... so..... i guess... this is it.... oh and btw... (for those of u who reads/follow this blog(if there is one that is... =.=) i'm planinn to continue writtin here... so expect some updates...) well..... ciao..... i think.... Lanjuuut...